• 31 October 2024 •
• 28 October 2024 •
• 18 October 2024 •
• 9 September 2016 •
Giotto is the intensive wheat steriliser that Omas designers call “unique” and “brilliant” because, thanks to its revolutionary tempered steel tools, it guarantees a definite improvement in the cleaning process. Giotto also contributes to milling system efficiency, enabling greater commercial yield thanks to less water evaporating during the process.
Giotto was designed to perform a rapid sequence of operations: decorticating the wheat, removing the cellulose envelope and abrasion of the waterproof membrane.
Removal of this membrane, composed of lignin and cellulose, enables the grain of wheat to absorb water incredibly faster. Omas guarantees a process that is 25-30% faster, based on the complexity and glassiness of the starch molecule.
The water is absorbed uniformly and not superficially, so milling from the core of the grain will be much easier: thanks to this innovative process, created by Omas designers, the semolina will be softer and require less mechanical action and a noticeable reduction in energy consumed to be turned into flour. The result will be less evaporation of the bran conditioning water in passages B4-B5.
As there is no water dispersion, with the Giotto steriliser you can control precisely the drop in milling corresponding to the loss in weight between incoming and outgoing product: the steriliser guarantees maximum efficiency, processing with the maximum water content permitted by law.
Eliminating evaporation will mean a significant reduction in the quantity of water around the plant; detail enabling decidedly less frequent cleaning of sieving canals, going from 3 to 6 months. It has also been noticed that cotton filter sleeves last much longer, even up to 40% longer.
Giotto, with its revolutionary technology, will make the various wheat grain processing stages faster while enabling saving, considerably reducing the energy consumption of your milling system, with a greater yield.