Super Intensive Wheat Sterilizer Giotto


Super Intensive Wheat Sterilizer Giotto

Simply unique and “brilliant”. Two adjectives that truly describe this grain sterilizer, which, with special tempered steel tools, improves the technical performance of an entire milling plant. We have called it Sterilizer, as it can eliminate most of the mycotoxines, bacteria, fungi and all impurities that reduce flour quality.

Peeling cap.: up to 0,5%
It eliminates various outer bran layer shilst purifying the grain.
The Adjustable PLC controlled peeling process knock off arista, beards it crumbles insects and detaches empty
kernels and lumps of mud.
Furthermore the intensive friction and rubbing action between the kernels, the cover and the special paddle type
beaters will drop grain’s bacteria fungi and mycotoxins and even the dirtiest wheat results highly purified.

  • cover diameter: 520 x 1000mm
  • ASH reduction 5-8%
  • Tempering time improvement 20-25%

The unit features:

  • electrically welded steel sheet structure
  • statically balanced rotor with 750 HB hardness paddles
  • shaft fitted onto double row barrel roller bearings and supporting elements with internal labyrinth seals.
  • special stainless steel sheet cover reinforced and divided in interchangeable element with shaped perforations.

Special tools with exclusive surface treatment, making the machine the only one of its kind, using a completely revolutionary work concept. Their abrasiveness removes part of the pericarp eliminating external contamination factors. The operator can decide abrasion level, setting machine parameters directly on the plc.
Setting parameters is easy and intuitive: with an electric command actuator operated electronically, the technologist can decide how long the grain stays in the beaters, the longer it stays, the intenser the abrasion level.
Reduced ashes, from a minimum of 3 to a maximum of 10%, improving extraction of top quality flours.
Greater absorption of water: “GIOTTO” reduces wetting times, increasing the water absorption capacity: the pericarp’s abrasion capacity makes the grain more attractive and containing: a result that can be measured both before and after the machining process; laboratory analyses enable us to say that loss of water during the machining process is reduced going from 2.5 to 2% with a general yield improvement.
Reduced wetting times (30-40% reduction in time).
Electronic actuator, directly driven by plc: it allows to open and close the product gate, in millimeter way, in order to reach the necessary time of stay and process of the product on the rotor production. The parameters are adjustable by plc interface, with direct adjustment of the motor absorption amperes.
Special tool, designed by our R&D researches: the treated surface, the hardness, the special shape, guarantee qualitative great results without breaking the grains. Laboratory tests give surprising results.

Special tools with exclusive surface treatment, making the machine the only one of its kind, using a completely revolutionary work concept. Their abrasiveness removes part of the pericarp eliminating external contamination factors. The operator can decide abrasion level, setting machine parameters directly on the plc.

Setting parameters is easy and intuitive: with an electric command actuator operated electronically, the technologist can decide how long the grain stays in the beaters, the longer it stays, the intenser the abrasion level.

Reduced ashes, from a minimum of 3 to a maximum of 10%, improving extraction of top quality flours.

Greater absorption of water: “GIOTTO” reduces wetting times, increasing the water absorption capacity: the pericarp’s abrasion capacity makes the grain more attractive and containing: a result that can be measured both before and after the machining process; laboratory analyses enable us to say that loss of water during the machining process is reduced going from 2.5 to 2% with a general yield improvement.

Reduced wetting times (30-40% reduction in time).

Electronic actuator, directly driven by plc: it allows to open and close the product gate, in millimeter way, in order to reach the necessary time of stay and process of the product on the rotor production. The parameters are adjustable by plc interface, with direct adjustment of the motor absorption amperes.

Special tool, designed by our R&D researches: the treated surface, the hardness, the special shape, guarantee qualitative great results without breaking the grains. Laboratory tests give surprising results.

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