• 8 August 2019 •

The extraordinary Leonardo brilliantly passed the energy and milling performance test, confirming itself as the most efficient roller mill in the industry

The revolutionary roller mill Leonardo, Omas top of the line, has been subjected to energy and milling performance test in order to evaluate its OMAS KERS (Kinematic Energy Regeneration System) patent, which allows the energy recovery of the fast cylinder on the slow one, allowing up to 70% of energy savings.

The data that emerged from Leonardo's energy consumption test, measured by a network analyzer, confirmed the high energy efficiency of Omas roller mill, which enables an higher yield with respect to the one produced by traditional roller mills of current competitors on the market, as well as extremely low energy consumption.

Finally, the collection of flour samples and the their weighing, were able to demonstrate how the flour extraction records almost + 3% with respect to the traditional roller mills, a huge improvement that certifies once again the Leonardo exceptional quality.

Another extremely important data is the effective power in kW: Leonardo achieved a result of 38% more than a traditional roller mill.

Leonardo: the milling revolution has begun and nothing will be the same again.

Download the attachment to discover all the excellent results achieved!